Command : |
SING <song> [target] |
For those trained in the true bardic art of song and storytelling certain
songs have power. How these songs can have their powers is a closely
guarded secret within the Barding Schools and one they do not tell lightly.
A bard, through travelling, adversity and perhaps with luck will meet up
with those who know the secrets of the songs and can then pass them on to
the deserving individual. Some of the keepers of the songs of power are
known to be very close with the music and demand a service before teaching.
If you have the skill typing sing by itself will list out the songs that
you have been trained in, singing the song (with an optional target) will
Invoke that songs power.
Some songs become more effective the more powerful a bard you are, an example
being Aester's Tears. A bard who has attained at least poethood will, on
occasions, when singing this song restore some mp to the receiving players
along with some hp.
Examples :
Your Songbook:
Aester's Tears.
Dance of the Snake.
:sing aester
Your music rejuvenates everyone in the room.
:sing dance townsman
The townsman hears your song and looks confused.