The Game Developers
The staff here is not large, responsibilities are shared and we work as a
team. The individuals who currently contribute are :
- Shihan
Head DM, primary coder and contributer of many sections, probably has
very little life outside of this game.....
- Kaedan
Intense gamer, dislikes poor style, spends more time online than he
cares to think about.
- Hara
Another Coder and initially responsible for the website.
- Ruan
A thoughtful builder adding challenging areas for your enjoyment.
- Marduuk
He is a dragon, do we need say more (if you want proper policing just
get a dragon on the team....)
- Melodor
A thoughtful gnome, excellent as a liaison with players. You might even
get him to reveal game secrets, probably on the same day that Marduuk
doesn't flame perpetrators of wrong doings in our world....