Lands of stone

Character Administration

Command :
SET <flag>

The following flags may be set and cleared: nologin You will not see Login messages nobroad Do not receive Broadcast messages. classignore Do not receive Class messags. ignore Ignore all sends to yourself compact Compact text mode enabled. roomname Allow Room name displays.

long Allow Long descriptions. echo Your sends emotes and says will be visible to you wimpy You will automatically try and flee when hp are low prompt prompt shows your current hp and mp ansi Color ANSI mode on. nosummon Nosummon flag, stops other players summoning you. noauto Auto Attack is turned off. nofollow No one can choose to follow you nowear Autowear at login is turned off. nostats hide your stats from the group view command. noflee Do not flee if alone in a room (lag protect) split Share picked up gold with anyone in your party. lock No one can enter your home if you have bought one. refuse refuse to accept items given by other players nolearn refuse to be taught spells by other players.

Examples :

:set short
Short descriptions enabled.

:clear short
Short descriptions disabled.
:set wimpy 30
Wimpy mode enabled.
Wimpy value set to (30). 

See Also :
     - Clear

apply ask attack backstab barkskin
bash berserk bounty bribe broadcast
bs buy c cast cdesc
cemote circle clanpw clans classemote
classsend clear clemote close clsend
consider contracts cost ctalk d
daily declare defer deletemail description
disband divine down drink drop
e east eat emote enchant
enter equipment examine finger fix
fl flee follow gemote get
give go goodbye goodbye group
groups gtalk haste health help
hide hold hunt i ignore
information ingest inventory invoke k
kill l learn leave list
lock look lose meditate mix
n ne north northeast northwest
nw ooc op open oppose
out parley party passwd password
paste pdesc peek pick pledge
pray prepare press pull purchase
push put quaff quests quit
quit read readmail ready recite
rem remove repair rescind rest
rm run s save say
sc score se search second
selection sell sen send sendmail
sense set shut sing skills
slow sneak social south southeast
southwest spells steal study suicide
sw take talk teach tell
time touch track trade train
transmute truce turn u unlock
up use value vote w
wear welcome west who whois
wield wither yell zap
Webmaster: Shihan


Page last changed: Thu Aug 28 22:37:32 BST 2003