The Half-Giant
The half-giant is misnamed really, since they are not a half-breed like
the Half-Elf
or the Half-Orc, and if you made such slurs
on their parentage, you would likely regret it!
Due to the fact they are quite a bit smaller than even the Hill-Giant, the
explorers who first discovered one simply assumed it was a half-breed. As
usual scholars discussed, made papers and books, and the error became part
of common knowledge. When a small group was discovered a few years later,
the associated scholars became very quiet!
The reason several isolated specimans were initially discovered soon became
apparent when it was discovered that the group had a solitary adult male.
A single male looks after a trive of females and children, and other males are
driven away. Occassionly a bold outcast will return to challenge the leader,
resulting in a nasty looking combat.
This race has been of great interest to scholars, because it appears that
they have evolved from true giants, and yet are nearer the form of the ancients
than their immediate ancestors.
A lot of work is proceding in an attempt to prove that the ancients
made some of the derivitive races for specialist tasks! And
that the half-giant is simply regressing to their ancestors original form.
These theories may have considerable repurcussions in the anlysis of the
histories of other races, especially the Dwarf
and the Gnome.
The Half-Giant is very strong, but a little slow on the uptake. Their
faith is a little on the shaky side as well.