The Dark-Elf
The Dark-Elf is a very close cousin to the Elf.
Once upon a time, the Elf was closer in temperment to the Ancient Ones
and Man today, but in disgust with the way their
ancestors ruined the world of plenty they tried their best to dispell
their darker nature.
The Dark-Elves formed as a seperate race after one of the great racial
purgings, when several thousand Elves were thrown out of communities for
the most minor of transgressions. These refugees needed a new home, so
they turned their backs on the light, and descended into the earth.
It is interesting to note that these great efforts by the Elves have
not proven to be overwhelmingly successful with regard to Good and Evil,
but have had the effect of making Elven communities extremely Lawful.
On the other hand, the continual concentration of the worst character traits
in one newer and younger race of outcasts away from the light has produced an
intelligent, magic using and Evil people.
The Dark Elves have no allies, they are not trusted by anyone. They
consider all Elves to be their enemies, no matter their individual
circumstances. Any Elf they have the opportunity to kill, they will! The
feeling is mutual!
No-one is really sure exactly where their communities actually are,
everyone simply says "in the earth".
The rough background of this race has led to a hardier than average species,
and the Elven background has granted them better magic using skills. Their
underground activity has maintained the night sight ability, but turning
their back on the light and everything around them including the gods has
resulted in a lower piety.