The Fighter
Fighters developed quite naturally from barbarians. There were those
who were not solely concerned with the glory of combat, but also in the
techniques and type of weapons available. Initially fighters who had retired
set up small schools from which they passed on their skills. The fact that
they had survived in a harsh trade for so long meant the more intelligent
newcomers, would, when they could afford it, pay for the tuition they could
For many, many years the different schools competed with each other
for students. Sometimes the competition would become very bloody indeed.
This started to change when some of the schools introduced a non lethal
competition. It caught on very quickly and eventually became a combat festival,
with representatives from a truly large number of schools. The schools
started banding together, sharing techniques and secrets and becoming quite powerful in their own rights.
With fewer groups the formation of an overseeing guild became possible.
Even today there are in excess of fifty different schools, but this is
nothing compared to when there were thousands. It is said that a central
council co-ordinates the guild and that each member comes from each of the
different ranks. An individual can serve several terms on the council.
Those on the council though, never make the fact known until after their
tenure is completed.
The fighter is orientated almost entirely towards combat. They can
bash opponents like the barbarians and are the most adept circlers. Being
more controlled than their barbarian cousins they cannot enter berserker
frenzies, though a few do learn the ability. They make up for this by being
able to use magic to a degree. Spell casting while difficult is not impossible
and some powerful fighters eventually learn quite powerful spells.